Lamers Urban Policy Consulting is:

A company that advises, implements, researches, and invents innovative approaches in urban regeneration. Our starting point is the complexity of a given situation, which we analyse thoroughly and on which we base a tailor-made approach. We utilise academic insights and our broad experience with complex processes in the social pillar of urban policy. To adequately take on our tasks, we try to make optimal use of the expertise and inspiration of the professionals already involved when we enter the scene.

We advise and implement this advice when requested by the client. In our view, the implementation of advice is the best evidence of the quality of that advice. Moreover, only a successful implementation process will really bring about desired changes. We adopt a careful approach, value and maximise the input of stakeholders, and are focused on the most adequate solution to the issues. Through connecting institutions and professionals and through framing issues in such a way as they are perceived by the target group, we tend to find sustainable responses to complex issues.

Coordinating can present many obstacles for government institutions and civil society organizations. Lamers Urban Policy Consulting reduces large problems into manageable proportions, pays attention to the points of view of the stakeholders and the target group(s), and works in a cooperative and result-oriented manner with professionals from different organisations. This approach almost naturally brings about in innovation. Lamers Urban Policy Consulting positions itself in the centre of the activities on the ground and forms the link between policy and implementation. Lamers Urban Policy Consulting uses an incremental approach, that is, the end-result is not usually designed beforehand but depends on the opportunities and treats that are encountered during the implementation process. Using the expertise and inspiration of the professionals already working on the issue and naturally involving them characterises Lamers Urban Policy Consulting’ approach, while the focus always is on solutions for problems as they are perceived by the target group(s). In close collaboration with the involved professionals, Lamers Urban Policy Consulting analyses the situation, formulates clear aims, and actively searches for innovative ways of achieving those aims. Integrity, quality, connection and result-oriented working are core values of Lamers Urban Policy Consulting.

Lamers Urban Policy Consulting participates in international networks involving fourteen large cities in eight countries: London, Leeds and Newcastle (UK), Paris (France), Rome (Italy), Budapest (Hungary), Munich, Cologne and Duisburg (Germany), Oslo (Norway), Vienna (Austria), Malmö (Sweden), and Rotterdam and Arnhem (The Netherlands). Lamers Urban Policy Consulting is a partner in the international projects “Dwell-On”, “Connections” and “People make the city” and facilitates the cooperation between the cities London and Rotterdam. Lamers Urban Policy Consulting is often welcomed for its (technical) expertise, has given key note speeches and other presentations at conferences, and developed specific learning opportunities.

Examples of our work include: